Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day to me!!

Well, it was officially a great mother's day. Matt and I went to church with Ava, as it was also baby dedication day. We stuck her in a very cute cotton dress with a perfect little white sweater. She's usually in easy little onsie's, so it's always really fun to get her dressed up and looking like a little doll. They did the dedications at the end of the service and Ava was the best behaved child up there! In fact, I was so distracted by this other mom trying to wrangle her child- literally, wrangle! He was kicking his feet and waving his arms and thrasing- that I missed everything that the pastor said. But it was probably really special! After church we had the whole family over to our house to grill out. Luckily Ava slept most of the time. If she had been awake she would have been passed around a ton and that always wears her out...

Oh, and there was chocolate cake. But I was good.

There's still a piece sitting on my kitchen counter waiting for me. I've done my best to hide it and avoid devouring it in one or two bites. It's grandma Kirk's chocolate cake. Let me elaborate- she makes it from a box, but uses milk instead of water and adds vanilla. It's by far the best cake I've ever had... I'm even trying to come up with some sort of task I can perform in order to deserve the cake as a reward.

Is that a bad idea?


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