Sunday, February 17, 2008

Some Rough News

Ok, I know that it's been a long time since I did this whole blog thing. But with a twelve month old and a full semester, you can understand. Also, you may have heard my news, but if not- Matt and I are expecting our second! I have to be honest and say that I wasn't really really excited at first. I had big plans for my year- graduation, grad school. Seldom do my plans for myself work out.. I'm still graduating in May, FINALLY! It seems like it took me forever, but I look at it this way- while most college graduates are single and live in apartments, I am a college graduate who has been married for almost three years, I own my own home and I have 1.2 children! That's refreshing..
Anyway, the real reason I cracked open this dusty blog page. I got a call from my doctor last week that caught me off guard. Aparently my blood type and Matt's are incompatible. To make a long story short, this pregnancy will probably be much different than the last. I have to go to a specialist at about 16 weeks for an in-depth ultrasound. So, I will be seeing a specialist and my regular OB during this pregnancy. It seems that there are some serious possibilities. The worst case scenario is that we may have to do what they call intraunterine blood transfusions. Google "RH sensitization" if you want to know more. So, it seems that lately it's been blow after blow taking me down. But I will tell you this, looking at my sweet Ava has never meant so much. Please be praying for me, for this baby and for the safety of this pregnancy. I intend on posting more as soon as I know what is really going on. Next stop- doctor's visit on March 5th for another ultrasound. I will let you know how it goes....

1 comment:

ousoonerles said...

I had given up on your blogging -but I saw that you updated myspace & FB so I decided to stop by your blog while I was roaming the cyber highway.
You're not suppose to be googling about the pregnancy! I have no basis for giving advice, but all I will say is to let it rest in God's hands, because every time I have done that it has worked without fail. See you soon -let's get together