Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad

Well, today is one of those days that sort of sneaks up on you after you lose someone. Although I have thought about it a lot, I didn't really know what to expect to feel on my dad's first birthday after being gone. He would have been 51 today. We're going to drive out to the cemetery later today. Unfortunately we don't even have a marker yet. What do you put on a man's grave? Flowers? Last year I gave my dad a one pound bag of peanut m&m's. His favorite. Maybe I should buy a bag and sprinkle some of those on the ground instead. Mmmm, possibly too irreverent, but dad would laugh his ass off. Something good though, I bought my plane ticket to San Francisco last night. It's official. I'll be there from the 3rd to the 9th and I am MORE than excited. For some reason, it's one place that I have always, always wanted to go. It was possibly all of that flying around with YWAM, but I have really grown to love being in an airport. Especially by myself.
That's all for now.


Ricky said...

"It was possibly all of that flying around with YWAM, but I have really grown to love being in an airport. Especially by myself."

You too? I thought I might be the only person on the planet that loves being in an airport. Guess that just makes you even cooler.

cassidy ann said...

Thank you, it helps!

Unknown said...

glad to see you're blogging again! it's probably the worst thing you could hear, but i know you'll make it to the other side.