Tuesday, June 26, 2007

one-armed brothers, shots, and rainy days

My brother will have a z shaped scar when this is all said and done. He had surgery yesterday to repair a torn rotater cuff. It was torn 270 out of 360 degrees. Ouch. So I spent the day at the outpatient surgicenter, waiting for him to get out. I had to sit there and listen to the story of the pregnant girl who was murdered over and over... It was either that story or about how the Lake Tahoe area is disappearing into fire. Needless to say I was tired of hearing all of the same details over and over, so I took the time to finish reading my fascinating Fantasy Lit. book. Let me just tell you, I think Kahlan went a little overboard when she painted all of those weird sybols on her face and went on a rampage. And Richard really had me freaked out there for a minute. But, no worries, it all ended up, though rather quickly and without much detail, well. I have to agree with my teacher that this author is definitely one of those people who writes themself into the story- and lives out some very strange fantasies.
And, as if my life couldn't get any more exciting with all of this wizard reading that I'm doing, I had to take my baby to get shots today. The events are as follows:

-Took her in and had her weighed. She weighed fifteen pounds and fifteen ounces. (I thought she was getting hevier!).
-Talked to the doctor about her skin (she's got a little rash), spitting up, and whether or not to start feeding her solid food.
-Re-dressed her and played with her on the table that has the paper on it. She kept kicking her feet because she liked how it sounded, crunchy.
-Nurse came in and administered shot number one.
-Ava's face turned three shades of red, her eyes immediately burst forth with tears, and she did the no-breathing-cry.
-We paid and left.

Now, for those of you who don't know what the no-breathing-cry is, let me explain. As soon as she realized that there was a pinching, stinging sensation, she drew in the deepest breath she could, screamed that one out and refused to take another. For a good five seconds. I almost blew in her face to get her to breathe again. This was the crying method of both of my little brothers, and it used to scare the crap out of me. This one means "Ok, you jerk. Whatever it was that you just did to me was REALLY mean, so I'm going to show you how pissed I am!" She's already a master at it...

If only she realized that it took all I had not to cry right along with her.



Unknown said...

i would have died if i had to witness the shots!

i'm pretty sure the author of our book and anyone who has enjoyed the gruesome details of it are demented. i felt so sick and nasty after reading the end and all the things that happened in the last 300 pages or so!

cassidy ann said...

I'm right there with you...