Ok. I know it's been a while since I posted anything. And, granted, I've been very busy. But I think there are other reasons that I haven't had anything to say. One is that I didn't want to just put on a happy face and type some fluffy stuff from my day. As you can see, I've been doing a little bit of soul searching and I'm coming up with some stuff that I didn't expect. And, while this may appear one day to the people I'll be talking about- I have given up on caring. If they see it, they see it.
I'm realizing a lot about trust, intentions, and taking people at their word.
For the one or two of you that actually read this thing, you probable are aware of a bit of my family drama. For those of you who may stumble upon this and not know, let me give you a brief overview.
*My dad was married twice before my mom. He had a baby with his second wife. Lindsey is her name and I didn't find out about her until I was eleven years old. That's a whole story by itself.
*My mom remarried, divorced and remarried again. The man that she is married to now is wonderful. A long-time family friend, and someone I consider to be a great man for my mom.
*My dad met a woman, married and divorced again.
*In 1999 he was diagnosed with advanced aggressive prostate cancer. It went into remission, and has now returned.
Ok, this is really brief and leaves out a lot of the story. But, I feel a bit of hesitance about putting all of the details out there. I'm still new at this whole blogging thing and I'm not sure I'm ready to lay my whole life open for anyone to see... That being said, I would still like to vent for a moment about how I'm feeling about some things that are going on in my crazy family world right now.
People are foolish, selfish, greedy and cruel.
Now, I know that sounds harsh. But based on the way that some people are acting in the current situation- it's nothing less than the truth. It is a hard thing to wake up one morning and have a realization that some people didn't care as much about you as you always thought they had. I know this is all really vauge, but the people who know me understand. And those who don't know me well enough to know everything I'm talking about are free to call me. I'd love to tell the story. In fact, that's one thing that I'm thinking about doing. Writing a book and telling the story to everyone, so that someone out there can breathe deeper knowing there's someone that they can relate to. But I guess I better feel comfortable enough to put it all on a blog before I publish the story! Oh well, baby steps.
I'm off to class to talk about wizards.