Well, even though it seems I'm the only one reading this funny little thing I'm going to keep at it.. Ava's napping at the moment. This is when the house gets really quiet and the laundry gets done (sometimes, I've had to re-wash one load that's been in the washing machine for a few days. Yuck). It's also when I'm free to relax for a few minutes. Not that it takes a whole lot of effort to take care of a three month old. But lately she's been fussy. I think she's teething way early. The signs are pretty clear- excess drool, chewing on her hands ferociously, slight fever, and did I mention amazing amounts of drool? My step-dad is a dentist and he felt around on her bottom gums and confirmed that she could have one or two little teeth popping through at any time. I just wish she could hold on to things better because I have one of those orange gummy rings with the liquid inside- everybody's favorite baby toy, I still love to squeeze it!
Anyway, when she's awake the house is filled with sounds of her talking and screeching and me talking to her in a really cheerful tone of voice. That part can be pretty exhausting. Matt and I came to an agreement last night that he would put her down at night Sunday through Thursday and I would get up with her in the morning so he could sleep in. Then Friday and Saturday night I would put her down and he would get up with her in the morning. I think it's really fair because he works all week, so he deserves the extra rest in the mornings. Plus I like getting up and drinking coffee on the front porch with Ava...
My dad is having some pretty serious tests done tomorrow. His cancer has been back for a while, so they are doing a bone scan, CT scan, and some chest x-rays. He'll be in the hospital all day starting at 6:30 in the morning. I'm not sure what they are going to find. I feel like my optimism is wearing thin and that reality is sinking in. It's tough, but I don't let myself feel a lot for some reason. I guess I'm used to being a rock for people and I don't allow myself to be weak. When Matt's mom died I really had to focus on him, so I haven't focused on me for a while.
There's the baby...
the reason you don't have a lot of comments yet is because you have to sign in with a google account to leave a post. this is how good of a friend i am! i love the pictures! you look like you have lost a ton of weight in them. talk to you tomorrow
oh! & by the way - your blogging is very insightful and grammatically correct. B Cowlishaw would be proud.
haha, thank you very much...
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