Something really terrible happened yesterday. Well, I
discovered the terrible thing yesterday, although I'm pretty sure it happened the other day. Let me set it up... Almost two years ago, my dad passed away. If you need to know more on that, look at older posts. But on the day of his funeral I acquired a plant. We were at the cemetery in Hominy on that hot August day and Matt and I were about to leave. This old man, some relative that I didn't know, walked by with two big peace lilies in his hand. He handed me one and said "you know, you can take these home with you." For some reason, these were the most comforting words I heard that day. I immediately proceeded to pack two of the big, leafy plants into the back of my car.
There has been something about having these plants around that has offered me more consolation than almost any words of comfort I've heard since losing my dad. I gave one of the plants to my brother about a year ago as a housewarming gift. But without fail I've looked at that plant nearly everyday. The funny thing is it tends to bloom around mother's day and my birthday..
So, the other night I kept my brother's dog at my house. I had put the plant out back to soak up some rain the day before. I'm sure you can gather the rest.
As of right now, the plant has been reduced to one third of it's original size. When I looked out the back window and realized what had happened, it was like losing my dad all over again. I felt a physical force and the wind was sucked out of me. I don't know why this was such a powerful experience for me. I think it may say something about the grieving process, and how it is never really over. The plant has since been re-potted in plant food infused soil and a new, smaller container. I am praying hard that it will survive. I guess I feel like this is a link to my dad, however crazy that may sound. I would sit and look at this plant, envision it in a nursery or flower shop, sitting there waiting to be delivered to my family in order to offer condolences. It was alive when my dad was alive.
Needless to say I have been in a funk for the past few days. I've already told myself that if it doesn't bounce back that I will claim half of my brother's plant. Can you even
do that? Hack a peace lily in two and sprout two healthy plants? I hope so. Keep your fingers crossed for my plant.