Monday, December 1, 2008

Tag, I'm It!

Ok folks, I'll admit that there are still a few things that I don't know about, especially in the world of technology and communication. I don't have an iphone and I haven't a clue what a Tweeter is. But I love my blog, and my friend's blogs. While browsing around the internet trying to get myself sleepy (why is it that insomnia has to make a comeback in my life just as my three month old starts sleeping through the night... that's what I call irony) when I found that I had been tagged on my lovely friend Hailey's blog. Of course I was flattered, but had no idea what this meant. Thankfully I am not so adept that I don't know how to use google. Looked it up, now I know. (For those of you like me- the idea is to share six little-known and possibly quirky facts about yourself- then "tag" other bloggers to do the same! Fun, huh?!) The only problem may be that I don't know a whole lot of fellow bloggers.. Will have to figure that one out later on.

Ok- Here goes!

1. I am currently a first-time Harry Potter reader... and loving it. When the whole Harry Potter thing started, I really resisted. Part of the issue was that, at the time, I was taking a lot of Lit classes and had a lot of reading to do anyway. But Harry finally got me. I am on book four and absolutely obsessed. I like to pretend that I am the fourth Hogwarts student in the little gang. I go there, I drink the butterbeer and I am currently helping Harry figure out how to complete his second challenge in the Triwizard Tournament. (I'm also 25 years old...)

2. This one is interactive. Ok, hold up your left hand, now bend your thumb. For some reason, when I do this, my pointer finger also automatically bends. I think there's some funky ligament connection or something. So I can only do the "number 1" sign with my right hand. Strange, I know.

3. I make my to-do lists while I'm in the shower. I write on the glass shower door with my finger, and for some reason my handwriting looks really great when I do this. I secretly wish it looked that way all the time.

4. Sometimes I feel a little bit like an old lady. I knit all the time and lately I have been doing a lot of crossword puzzles.

5. I have secretly been on the hunt for the perfect laundry smell. I've tried six or seven different kinds of detergent since Matt and I got married and I think I finally found it- Tide TotalCare in Refreshing Rain.. So perfect.

6. One of the biggest reasons that I can't wait to have a real job someday (and by real job, I mean using my degree and starting my career) is to have an excuse to get a really great wardrobe- dresses, pants, shoes, you name it- and have a cute little office. I know, sounds pretty lame. But after being pregnant for basically two years straight and wearing clothes that can be pooped, peed, and barfed on- it's time for some cashmere, baby!

Ok- now is the time that I would be tagging some people. But I am going to have to dig around a little bit and find some friends with blogs. Casey- I know you've got one so consider yourself tagged!
